See How VR & AR Are Changing Medicine

Learn from experts like USC Institute for Creative Technologies R&D director Arno Hartholt and others, about cutting-edge topics like how VR is being used in healing, drug discovery, and neuroscience. Via Gamasutra.

A Dose of Virtual Reality for Medical Professionals

As VR literally transports your vision and hearing to another dimension, the tech was found to be useful in treating patients with psychological diseases. In 2017, NBC wrote a piece on how psychologists used VR to treat PTSD suffered by war veterans using an...

Army Awards Key Contracts to Build Virtual Trainers

The awards mark big progress in developing the STE — essentially a virtual world in which to train soldiers for war and aims to move the service away from its stove-piped training systems from the ‘80s and ‘90s.Continue reading about One World Terrain and the...