NATO and Army Science Board Guests Tour ICT

NATO and Army Science Board Guests Tour ICT

Esteemed guests from NATO and the Army Science Board joined us at ICT today to see demos from our 16 Labs, including #GeospatialTerrain, Adaptable #HMD (Head Mounted Device Interfaces), #ShipSim and our Academy Award-winning #LightStage [L – R]  Back...

ICT Hosts Visitors from NATO and ONR

Rene LaRose, director of the the NATO Science and Coordination Office, visited ICT along with John Tangney from the Office of Naval Research and Paul Chatelier from the Naval Postgraduate School. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the institute’s...

Film Screening and Q&A

WHAT: A screening and Q&A with the creators of Friends you Haven’t Met Yet, a documentary short film exploring issues of ethics and online privacy by introducing bloggers to the scientists who  – unbeknownst to them – have been analyzing their...