By Mana Marashi, Administrative Assistant, CFO's office and Business Office, USC Institute for Creative Technologies. Mana Marashi, Administrative...
What Matters to Generation Next?
By Bayley Camp, Operations Officer, Defense and Intelligence Initiatives, USC Institute for Creative Technologies There are now four generations...
Video Games Developer to Computer Scientist at ICT
By Eddie Fast, Computer Scientist, ICT Eddie Fast joined ICT in 2003 as a computer scientist, and has worked on many of our major projects including...
From Paramount Pictures to ICT
By Cheryl Birch, CFO/Director of Finance, Operations and HR, USC Institute for Creative Technologies Cheryl Birch is on the Leadership team at USC...
Learning with AI: Move Smart, Grow Things
By Dr. Benjamin Nye, Director of Learning Sciences, USC Institute for Creative Technologies As Director of Learning Sciences at ICT, our group...
When the Center for Body Computing Joined ICT
By Leslie Saxon, M.D. Executive Director, USC Center for Body Computing; Professor of Medicine, Clinical Scholar, Keck School of Medicine of USC There have been few things more gratifying to me in my long career as an interventional cardiologist and digital health researcher, than working with the diverse talent at ICT to bring cutting edge […]
Richard Lindheim Remembers ICT’s Early Days
Richard Lindheim was ICT’s first Executive Director (1999 - 2006). Previously, he was an entertainment executive, responsible for shows such as...
The Email Which Changed My Life
Dr. Morie was one of the original researchers at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies, a Department of Defense funded University Affiliated Research Center (UARC), sponsored by the US Army. In 2022, Dr. Morie received the Accenture Lifetime Achievement Award for her pioneering and ongoing VR work.
Writing the Original UARC Proposal
by Dr. Paul Rosenbloom, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, USC and former Director for Cognitive Architecture Research at USC Institute for...