Saving Lives with Virtual Reality

Spectrum News 1 interviews Skip Rizzo about how virtual reality isn’t just for gamers, medical professionals use it to train for life-saving surgeries. Watch the full segment here.

Could Talking to a Bot Help You Feel Better?

Research from the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies, for example, found that U.S. veterans returning from Afghanistan were more willing to disclose symptoms of PTSD to a virtual interviewer than to an anonymous written survey....

VR Breakthroughs in Autism

Watch Skip Rizzo use virtual reality to help a teenager on the spectrum read social cues and practice interview skills, via Spectrum News 1.

SciTech Awards: Scanning Hollywood with Paul Debevec

Creating photo-real digital actors is one of the biggest remaining challenges in feature film visual effects. Digitally rendered faces must achieve a high level of realism in order to cross the “Uncanny Valley” and appear close enough to real people in order to be...