This Mapping Tech will Distinguish Different Tree Species

Updated geospatial data is needed more and more in order to enhance the situational awareness of soldiers at the field. One World Terrain (OWT) is a US Army research effort that seeks to provide a set of 3D global terrain capabilities and services that can...

Surviving the First ‘Deepfake’ Election: Three Questions

Even before deepfakes, voters have needed to sort through disinformation, which has even come from campaigns themselves.  “You don’t need deepfakes to spread disinformation,” says Hao Li, an associate professor of computer science at the University of Southern...

Can AI Also be Used to Mask Someone’s Identity?

At the moment, Facebook does not have any plans for this new technology. However, the research is particularly important due to the proliferation of deepfakes. Dr. Hao Li at the University of Southern California recently stated that we are less than a year away from...