Can Virtual Reality Make us Kinder?

A story on WHYY’s The Pulse focused on the use of virtual reality to change human attitudes, and increase the user’s compassion and empathy. The story states that ICT’s Skip Rizzo has seen the empathetic benefits of these tools. He and his team...

How Tai Chi Can Help Conquer Fear of Falling as We Age

The Wall Street Journal quotes Skip Rizzo in a story about research into fall prevention, including a study of virtual reality exposure therapy to address a fear of falling. “It shows some promise,” said Skip Rizzo, a psychologist and director of medical virtual...

Rendering the Digital Self

CCTV-America featured research by Ari Shapiro and Andrew Feng to create user-like avatars. Shapiro and his colleagues’ Rapid Avatar Generator work reproduces a digital version of the user within minutes and at a fraction of the cost of existing technology....

How will virtual reality change our lives?

The BBC turned to ICT experts Mark Bolas and Skip Rizzo for a feature on the future of virtual reality. Listen to the interviews here. Read them here. Mark Bolas: “I’m worried by our current computer interfaces. I watch people walking around like zombies...