SEA STRIKE 2043, a short film written and produced by the Force Writers Room, was developed under the leadership of CAPT Ric Arthur (USNR) and Dava Casoni of the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies.
Admiral Lisa Franchetti, Chief of Naval Operations, has recognized SEA STRIKE as a strong representation of her vision for the future of the U.S. Navy, highlighting its role in showcasing how emerging technologies and operational concepts could be integrated into naval warfare.
The Force Writers Room recently completed this highlights version of SeaStrike 2043 which was featured in the January 26, 2025 edition of Task and Purpose as “Slick, sharply produced” and “grounded sci-fi…[that] utilizes technology that the U.S. military is currently developing or testing.”
To experience the full version along with a technical overview of the featured technologies, arrange a visit to the film’s sponsors, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division and Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific.