Healing the Invisible Wounds of War with Virtual Reality
Since 9/11, nearly three million service members have deployed to war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan—about half of them more than once. Now, an...
OVR Technology Delivers First-Of-Its-Kind Scent Experience Virtual Reality Experiences with Scents
Anyone can benefit from the immersive experiences of OVR Technology’s scent platform. However, it’s most advantageous to organizations looking for...
OVR Technology Delivers First-Of-Its-Kind Scent Experience for VR
Skip Rizzo, Director for ICT's Medical VR group, will use OVR Technology’s platform in the next iteration of Bravemind. Such therapies are crucial,...
Tracking Michigan Protesters Raises Privacy, COVID-19 Spread Questions
Collecting phone data for use in public health studies or operations has become a hot issue because of the coronavirus pandemic, said Dr. Mona...
What It Takes to Become One of Marine Corps’ Elite
Leslie Saxon, Executive Director of the Center for Body Computing conducted a study to determine why so many Marine candidates were dropping out....
Can Virtual Reality Help Sports Fans Experience Game Day In A Post COVID-19 World?
ICT's MxR Lab Director Jessica Brillhart talks with CBS News about the use of VR during and after a global pandemic. Read the full story here.
USC Webinar Addresses Impact of COVID-19 on Telemedicine
The COVID-19 crisis has led to an unprecedented increase in the use of telemedicine. To assess what that means for healthcare now and in the long...
TechNews World Speaks with David Krum
The next generation of Oculus Quest virtual reality headsets is in the works, but pandemic-related product development and supply chain problems may...
Expanding the Utility and Interoperability of Rapidly Generated Terrain Datasets
Reality modeling advancements now allow for the generation of high-resolution 3D models from a variety of sources to rapidly meet modeling and...