NATO and Army Science Board Guests Tour ICT

Published: July 11, 2024
Category: News | Events at ICT
Guests from NATO and Army Science Board Visit ICT

Esteemed guests from NATO and the Army Science Board joined us at ICT today to see demos from our 16 Labs, including #GeospatialTerrain, Adaptable #HMD (Head Mounted Device Interfaces), #ShipSim and our Academy Award-winning #LightStage

[L – R]  Back row: Russell Hutt, Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation; Brad Friedman, Synthetic Training Environment Cross-Functional Team; Fernando Aller, Indra Systems; Trent Sellers, Lockheed Martin Corporation; Tom van den Berg, TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research); Scott Gallant, Effective Applications Corporation; Andrew Napier-ASB Cadet/ Arizona State University; Samuel Hill-ASB Cadet/University of Minnesota Twin Cities; Reagan Trzop–ASB Cadet/John Carroll University; Alexandra Craissati, Project Manager, Defense and Intelligence Initiatives, ICT

[L – R]  Front row: Dava Casoni, ICT Legal Advisor and Co-Lead Force Writers Room; Wim Huiskamp – Netherlands TNO; Bharat Patel – UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratories; Dr. Joan Evans, Army Science Board Member, Senior Program Analyst, Turtle Reef Holdings; Dr. Randall Hill, Executive Director, ICT; Chris McGroarty – US Army DEVCOM SC; Michael Bertschik – Germany Bundeswehr; Arno Hartholt, Director of Research and Development Integration, ICT; Dr. Jesse Chen, Senior Research Scientist (ST) for Soldier Performance, U.S. Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory; Sharon Mozgai, Director, Virtual Human Therapeutics Lab