U.S. Army Training Devices Could Soon Be Embedded in Helicopters, Vehicles
Army Recognition features One World Terrain in their article about new Army training devices. Read the full piece here.
The Biggest iPhone News Is a Tiny Chip Inside It
ICT's David Krum provides some insight and thoughts about the new iPhone for WIRED. Read the full article here.
U.S. Army’s Next-Gen Helicopters and Combat Vehicles to Receive Virtual Training Devices
Defense Blog covers new tool the Army is using, featuring the One World Terrain prototype in its piece. Click here to read the full article.
U.S. Army’s Next-Gen Helicopters and Combat Vehicles to Receive Virtual Training Devices
To help Soldiers achieve the Army’s ambitious readiness goals, the service has made advances in its training. The Army Research Laboratory at...
10 Innovative IT Projects to Inspire You This Fall
EdTech features organizations, startups, projects and research that are innovating in the educational tech sector. Read the full article which...
The Case for a Course of Virtual Reality
VR may help ease conditions from pain to phobias to PTSD. This article is based on reporting that features expert sources including ICT's Dr. Skip...
A New Army Network Could Also Help Training
The U.S. Army is undergoing a major technology shift affecting how soldiers prepare for battle through the implementation of a Synthetic Training...
Synthetic Training Environment Piques Partners Interest
The Army-funded Institute for Creative Technologies provides some of the virtual training capabilities. The institute has won awards for...
Are VR Gamers Stumbling Onto a Mental Health Power-Up?
Skip Rizzo, a neuropsychologist at the Medical Virtual Reality Lab at the University of Southern California, is more interested in the therapeutic...