Pinscreen’s Real-Time Deepfake Demo
The video presents a state-of-the-art demo of a real-time DeepFake face-swapping technology. What we see is both amazing and terrifying. The demo...
OVR Technology Is Creating Olfactory Virtual Reality for Health Care, Education and Training
A key collaborator who has helped guide development of the Architecture of Scent is Albert "Skip" Rizzo, a research professor at the University of...
Good Cop, Good Cop: Can VR Help to Make Policing Kinder?
As police forces in the US and elsewhere wrangle with accusations of bias and brutality, a quiet effort is underway using VR to boost empathy and...
Is Seeing Still Believing? The Deepfake Challenge to Truth in Politics
This report from The Brookings Institution’s Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology (AIET) Initiative is part of “AI Governance,” a series...
Deepfakes: Informed Digital Citizens are the Best Defense Against Online Manipulation
Deepfakes, a specific form of disinformation that uses machine-learning algorithms to create audio and video of real people saying and...
Can Smell-O-Vision Save VR?
Consumers have been slow to purchase VR headsets, largely due to price and limited content. But several start-ups are making devices that will give...
How Virtual Reality is Being Used to Heal
For more than twenty years, Skip Rizzo, a clinical psychologist and the director for medical virtual reality at theUniversity of Southern...
Olfactory Virtual Reality Technology Being Used to Help Veterans with PTSD
Virtual Reality headsets are used to give gamers the experience of a virtual word using video and sound. Now three different companies are coming...
Army Pursuing Improved Realism in Live and Virtual Training
Members of the Synthetic Training Environment Cross Functional Team are working with the Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and...