Can A.I. Help Low-Income Workers Get Jobs?
New partnership with the U.S. government brings artificial intelligence-based interview training to communities around the country. The USC...
Jon Gratch Named Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing
Congratulations to ICT's Director of Virtual Human Research, Jonathan Gratch, recently named fellow of the Association for the Advancement of...
Empathy and AI: Benefitting Healthcare
As the exponentially increasing power of computer systems allows for countless innovations in diagnosis and treatments, Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
Education then and now: Rise of AI
In this article, learn about the role of AI in education and how it's evolved to where it is today. Via Medium.
For Veterans of Afghanistan War, Conflict Continues After US Withdrawl
As the nation approaches the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, America has also come full circle with regard to Afghanistan. After 20 years...
A Hero Behind the VR Headset
A look at VR and its many uses, featuring Dr. Skip Rizzo and his use of the technology in helping to treat PTSD. Read the full article.
The Rise of Biometrics in the Sporting World
Leslie Saxon, executive director for the USC Center for Body Computing, studies human performance at its extremes, in elite athletes as well as...
How This Gaming Tech Will Heal Your Mind
Bloomberg Quicktake sits down with ICT's Director of MedVR, Skip Rizzo, to discuss virtual reality exposure therapy and its success in Bravemind....
Army Award-Winning Research to Transform Soldier-Robot Communication
Army researchers developed ground-breaking technology that will enhance how Soldiers and robots communicate and carry out tasks in tactical...