A story about about the current state of military simulation tied to the opening of the Enders Game movie featured ICT simulation research and researchers. The story described the institute as research and development organization that, “makes some of the most convincing military simulations around” and noted that ICT’s budget is “evidence that simulation technology can provide a lot of bang for the buck”.
The story mentioned ICT’s use of video games and virtual reality for training as well as the institute’s work in developing virtual humans.
Randall Hill Jr., ICT’s executive director of the ICT, said that in the past the military’s view on technology would “often focus on how you buy equipment and treat the soldier like a Christmas tree: hang armor on him and gadgets and not look at them holistically.” Now the Army uses technology to empower soldiers more as humans, not mere weapons carriers. “We’re trying to look at soldiers that way,” said Hill.
IEEE Spectrum Features ICT
Published: October 31, 2013
Category: News