Papers by Jina Lee and Lixing Huang and ICT colleagues have been nominated for best virtual agent paper at the Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems conference (AAMAS ), the premier scientific conference for research on autonomous agents and multiagent systems. A total of three papers were nominated by the award committee. This award represents AAMAS’s continued support for virtual agents research at the conference, which takes place in May in Toronto, Canada
The nominations were:
Lixing Huang, Louis-Phillippe Morency & Jonathan Gratch , Parasocial Consensus Sampling: Combining Multiple Perspectives to Learn Virtual Human Behavior
Jina Lee, Zhiyang Wang & Stacy Marsella, Evaluating Models of Speaker Head Nods for Virtual Agents
Visit the conference site.
ICT Researchers Nominated for Best Paper Awards
Published: March 19, 2010
Category: News