NPR affiliate KPCC reported on MILES, USC project that uses virtual humans to train social workers in how to counsel veterans. A collaboration between ICT and the USC School of Social Work, the story notes that this first of its kind technology aims to improve how caregivers relate to the growing number of vets struggling with mental health issues.
According to the story, only about half of veterans struggling with mental health issues say they’re getting the care they need. Part of the problem is that not all service providers know how to work with the unique challenges facing today’s vets.
The ICT-developed computer simulated veteran is a teaching tool allowing caregivers a chance to learn strategies to help this often at-risk population.
The story states that about 60 Veterans Affairs employees have trained with the program and there are plans for more caregivers to do so as well.
NPR Features Virtual Veteran Created by ICT
Published: November 11, 2014
Category: News