The Army is creating a high-resolution virtual world realistic enough to help prepare troops for battles across the globe.
The Synthetic Training Environment, or STE, is a 3D training and mission rehearsal tool that brings together live, virtual, constructive and gaming environments to improve soldier and unit readiness.
Two years ago, as part of the Army’s widespread modernization effort, then-Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley called for a rapid expansion of the service’s synthetic training capabilities.
A STE cross-functional team, led by Maj. Gen. Maria Gervais, was established to help develop next-generation training capabilities. It is most closely aligned with the soldier lethality portfolio, but is also geared toward the other modernization priorities, she told reporters at last year’s Association of the United States Army’s annual conference.
One World Terrain, also known as OWT, is one of several key components of the new training architecture which will provide an accessible 3D representation of the global operating environment, according to the service.
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