lbert Einstein once said that reality is merely an illusion—albeit a very persistent one. Jump ahead to 2017, and that sounds as if it’s a spot-on prophecy, envisioning the rise of the most persistent illusory reality of them all: a virtual one in which the line between truth and fantasy has been blurred to satiate our endless curiosity and fascination.
All it took to set the wheels in motion was the right technology. But moving this train forward will require creativity and ingenuity in the form of immersive content. Therein lies a golden opportunity for digital publishers and content providers who want to climb aboard—and the risk of becoming irrelevant for those who choose not to, say the experts.
EContent Magazine talks with Todd Richmond more about this, read the full article here.
Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Opens Up a World of Possibilities for Publishers
Published: June 5, 2017
Category: News