A Rolling Stone story covered the trend and technology behind celebrity “holograms”, including a planned-projection of deceased singer Whitney Houston.
The story quotes ICT’s Paul Debevec in explaining the technique used to create the effect and the role of high resolution scans.
Most holograms we see are actually just a modern twist on an optical illusion known as “Pepper’s Ghost,” which dates back 150 years, and involves little more than the reflection of a 2D image through an angled piece of translucent plastic — what one expert in 3D projection, USC professor Paul Debevec, described as “a giant piece of Saran Wrap,” stated the story.
For now, the main obstacle to bringing someone back to life is that a decent 3D image is needed to start with. “If I were one of these folks concerned about their legacy,” said Debevec, “I would say, ‘Before you get a day older, get yourself scanned in high resolution. Preserve yourself!'”
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/features/inside-the-celebrity-hologram-trend-20151204#ixzz3txVrO0DV
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Rolling Stone Quotes Paul Debevec about Celebrity “Holograms”
Published: December 4, 2015
Category: News