Director for Medical Virtual Reality
Institute for Creative Technologies
Research Professor
USC Davis School of Gerontology and USC Keck School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
- virtual reality and mental health
- neuropsychological assessment, cognitive rehabilitation, PTSD/anxiety disorders, Motor Rehabilitation, pain management
- spatial ability, attention, memory
- memory enhancement for older adults
- ADHD assessment
- gender and hormonal factors that influence aging, cognition and dementia
- psychology of older adults
- memory processes and aging
- perception and aging
- cognition and aging
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive-behavioral psychology
- clinical psychology
Additional Information
- Director, USC Institute for Creative Technologies VRPSYCH Lab
- Developer of the Memory Enhancement Seminars for Seniors (MESS), USC Davis School of Gerontology
- Creator of the Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan PTSD Exposure Therapy System
- CyberPsychology and Behavior – Associate Editor
- Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments – Senior Editor
- Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds – Editorial Board Member
- Media Psychology – Editorial Board Member
- International Journal of Virtual Reality – Associate Editor