Jessica Brillhart Discusses the Power of Immersive VR
The final episode of an 8-part docu-series for AOL's "In the Know" featuring ICT's Director for Mixed Reality, Jessica Brillhart. Live on AOL and...
Virtual Reality Helps Ease Trauma for Patients at Tampa Veterans Hospital
For years, Albert Rizzo at USC has studied the technology’s use in treating people with military backgrounds. Rizzo is associate director of the...
Army Has High Hopes for One World Terrain Training Tool
The Army is creating a high-resolution virtual world realistic enough to help prepare troops for battles across the globe. The Synthetic Training...
Paging Dr. Robot: Artificial Intelligence Moves into Care
Artificial intelligence is spreading into health care, often as software or a computer program capable of learning from large amounts of data and...
The Academic Pipeline
The use of simulation and virtual reality in education and training today is widespread and expanding. Where will the next generation of...
Technology’s New Role
A monopoly on film-making gives LA the lead in emerging industries. Watch the full segment, via Economist-Pictet.
Fighting on New Frontiers
The United States has already faced and defeated enemies both in and under cities. Across the Department of Defense (DoD), however, there’s an...
U.S. Army Leaders Test Out Latest Militarized HoloLens AR Architecture
US Army soldiers are evaluating the latest iteration of Microsoft's modified HoloLens 2 headset as part of the service's effort to inject augmented...
This Mapping Tech will Distinguish Different Tree Species
Updated geospatial data is needed more and more in order to enhance the situational awareness of soldiers at the field. One World Terrain (OWT)...