25th Anniversary of the
Institute for Creative Technologies
Where the Future Begins
DAY 1: Monday August 19, 2024
2pm: Research Demonstrations

2nd Floor: MxR Lab Demos, Room 210
Digital Interactive Victim Intake Simulation (DIVIS), created in close cooperation with the United States Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Academy at Fort Leavenworth, is a standardized, simulated and interactive victim-intake interview practice experience. This interdisciplinary project leverages research from ICT’s Natural Language, Perception, Learning Sciences and Mixed-Reality teams. Each session is recorded, and a semi-autonomous After-Action Review provides logged playback of the student’s verbal and non-verbal actions for facilitator lead assessment.

2nd Floor: CBC: Center for Body Computing Demo, Room 256
The Center for Body Computing (CBC) will demonstrate how they use software and sensors to continuously monitor the holistic health of active-duty service members. The CBC is at the forefront of service member facing digital health and human performance solutions that aim to prevent the first injury and maintain a service member throughout their military career and beyond.

2nd Floor: New Dimensions in Testimony Demo, Rainier Room
New Dimensions in Testimony (NDT) is a collaboration between the USC Shoah Foundation and the USC Institute for Creative Technologies, with concepts by Conscience Display and allows people to converse with the “PersonAIge” of a Holocaust survivor, as if the survivor is there in the room with them. The “PersonAIge” uses AI and NLP software to understand spoken or typed questions and select from a large set of recorded responses from the survivor, and play the response in real time.

2nd Floor: 3D Terrain Demo, Room 265
3D Geospatial Research provides a set of 3D global terrain capabilities and services that can replicate the coverage and complexities of the operational environment. Ultimately, the solutions created with the research effort will enable warfighters at different echelons with different requirements to experience a seamless, realistic geospatial foundation when executing their training, and at a level of interactive quality never seen before.

2nd Floor: PAL 3 Demo, Lounge
PAL3 is an embodied pedagogical AI framework for personalized adaptive learning on mobile devices, which provides on-the-job training, ongoing assessment and supports lifelong learning. It tracks where learners are (knowledge, past training and experience), where they want to go (career and learning goals), and uses that information to give personalized, adaptive coaching and resource recommendations to build a more resilient workforce.

3rd Floor: Vision & Graphics Lab Demo
Vision and Graphics Lab (VGL) is a research lab that is dedicated to advancing production-quality digital human creation, developing AI solutions that enable rapid data capturing and processing, personalized avatar creation, and physically-based avatar rendering. The VGL Light Stage has been recognized with two Scientific and Technical Awards from the Academy of Motion Pictures, and its technology has been used in more than 50 Hollywood movies and TV series.

4th Floor: RIDE Demo
The Rapid Integration & Development Environment (RIDE) is a foundational research & development (R&D) platform, accelerating Department of Defense simulation technologies, and supporting early prototyping for the Army’s Synthetic Training Environment (STE) initiative. RIDE provides a shared testbed in which researchers and developers explore the art of the possible in real-time modeling and simulation. RIDE has now moved beyond STE to support a wide range of DoD efforts, including Navy and Air Force initiatives.

4th Floor: VITA Demo
The Virtual Interactive Training Agent (VITA) is an interview practice system using embodied conversational AI agents (virtual humans) to help people build competency in finding employment. The virtual human interviewers are tireless — and can run through the different styles of interviews, with specific questions, time and time again, until the candidate has a sense of ease and confidence in their ability to find work. The core technology is based on 15 years+ of research at ICT into anxiety and experiential learning.

4th Floor: BRAVEMIND Demo
BRAVEMIND is a virtual reality (VR) exposure therapy system that has been shown to produce a meaningful reduction in PTSD symptoms in multiple clinical trials across VA, DoD, and University-based clinical test sites. Exposure therapy, in which a patient – guided by a trained therapist – confronts and reprocesses their trauma memories through a retelling of the experience, has been endorsed as an “evidence-based” treatment for PTSD. Specially-trained clinicians control the stimulus presentation via a separate “Wizard of Oz” interface, and are in full audio contact with the patient at all times.

4th Floor: Battle Buddy Demo
Battle Buddy is a virtual human-led mobile health application focused on veteran wellness and suicide prevention. Leveraging a digital safety plan and daily interventions designed to teach evidence-based coping skills, Battle Buddy is designed to help Veterans maintain optimal mental health and if needed, successfully navigate a suicidal crisis in real-time so that no Veteran will have to face these moments alone.
6:00pm: Theater opens for participants with wrist bands;
remaining guests will be able to watch the ceremony in the ICT Events room or Lounge.
6:30pm: ICT-25 celebration in ICT Theater

Randall W. Hill
Executive Director, ICT
Randall W. Hill, Jr. became the Executive Director of the USC Institute for Creative Technologies in 2006. A leader in understanding how classic storytelling and high-tech tools can create meaningful learning experiences, Hill steers the institute’s exploration of how virtual humans, mixed reality worlds, advanced computer graphics, dramatic films, social simulations and educational video games can augment more traditional methods for imparting lessons. In addition to being ICT’s Executive Director, Randall Hill is a Vice Dean in the Viterbi School of Engineering and serves at the Omar B. Milligan Professor in Computer Science (Games and Interactive Media).

Mr. Douglas Tamilio
ICT Executive Agent
Mr. Douglas Tamilio is the ICT Executive Agent and the Director of the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center (DEVCOM Soldier Center ). In this role, he is responsible for leading the planning, programming, coordination, and execution of the research, development, and engineering program dedicated to supporting and protecting the nation’s combat forces. This program focuses on providing functionally suitable food, clothing, airborne and airdrop equipment, tactical shelters, and organizational personal equipment to enhance soldier sustainment and readiness in combat situations.
Under Mr. Tamilio’s leadership, the US Army DEVCOM Soldier Center delivers world-class research, development, systems engineering, and services with a unique “Soldier”-centric focus. The center’s work is critical to ensuring the readiness and well-being of our nation’s combat forces, and Mr. Tamilio’s expertise and experience are essential to the center’s success.

Louis Caldera
Former US Secretary of the Army
As the 17th United States Secretary of the Army, serving under President Bill Clinton, Louis Caldera performed the ribbon cutting that officially opened ICT 25 years ago. Caldera also served as the director of the White House Military Office from January to May 2009, and as a California State Assemblyman from January 1992 to January 1997.

Dr. Carol Folt
President of USC
Dr. Carol Folt serves as the twelfth president of the University of Southern California and holds the Robert C. Packard President’s Chair.
Known for always placing students at the center, she is a collaborative academic leader and an internationally recognized life scientist with faculty appointments in biological sciences, civil and environmental engineering, and population and public health sciences.

Yannis C. Yortsos
Dean of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Yannis C. Yortsos is the Dean of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and the Zohrab Kaprielian Dean’s Chair in Engineering, a position he holds since 2005. As dean of engineering, he articulated in 2008 the concept of Engineering+, positioning engineering as the enabling discipline of our times, and has been actively engaged in the effort to “change the conversation about engineering”.
DAY 2: Tuesday August 20, 2024
8:30am – 9:00am Breakfast served in 2nd floor lounge
9:00am – 9:15am: Welcome remarks with MC Randall Hill, Jr. and USC Ishwar Puri

Randall W. Hill
Executive Director, ICT
Randall W. Hill, Jr. became the Executive Director of the USC Institute for Creative Technologies in 2006. A leader in understanding how classic storytelling and high-tech tools can create meaningful learning experiences, Hill steers the institute’s exploration of how virtual humans, mixed reality worlds, advanced computer graphics, dramatic films, social simulations and educational video games can augment more traditional methods for imparting lessons. In addition to being ICT’s Executive Director, Randall Hill is a Vice Dean in the Viterbi School of Engineering and serves at the Omar B. Milligan Professor in Computer Science (Games and Interactive Media).

Dr. Ishwar K. Puri
Senior Vice President
Dr. Ishwar K. Puri is senior vice president of research and innovation and professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering at University of Southern California with affiliate appointments as professor of chemical engineering and materials science and professor of biomedical engineering. As a leader of academic research and education, he oversees the USC Office of Research and Innovation that administers and guides the university’s research, commercialization and entreprenuership programs.
9:15am – 10am: The Origins of ICT

Randall W. Hill
Randall W. Hill, Jr. became the Executive Director of the USC Institute for Creative Technologies in 2006. A leader in understanding how classic storytelling and high-tech tools can create meaningful learning experiences, Hill steers the institute’s exploration of how virtual humans, mixed reality worlds, advanced computer graphics, dramatic films, social simulations and educational video games can augment more traditional methods for imparting lessons. In addition to being ICT’s Executive Director, Randall Hill is a Vice Dean in the Viterbi School of Engineering and serves at the Omar B. Milligan Professor in Computer Science (Games and Interactive Media).

Louis Caldera
Former US Secretary of the Army
As the 17th United States Secretary of the Army, serving under President Bill Clinton, Louis Caldera performed the ribbon cutting that officially opened ICT 25 years ago. Caldera also served as the director of the White House Military Office from January to May 2009, and as a California State Assemblyman from January 1992 to January 1997.

Cheryl Birch
ICT Administrator
Cheryl Birch is on the Leadership team at USC Institute for Creative Technologies and has been at ICT since 2000, joining not long after it was formed. Previously, she was Vice President, Business Affairs, Universal Studios, where she negotiated deals for many series including “Murder, She Wrote” and “Quantum Leap” before moving to Paramount Pictures as Vice President, Business Affairs, in their network television division, to do the same for the “Star Trek” series, and many more. AT ICT, Cheryl had to combine the flexible financial practices of Hollywood with the strictly regulated federal funding practices of the government. She also built a business infrastructure that enabled ICT to be efficient and responsive to proposing work, helping to hire staff, make purchases, and monitor the progress of research projects. Her proudest accomplishment was learning that her business office team was considered one of the most well-regarded at USC.

GEN(ret) Paul Kern
Retired General and Counseller
He has a unique career which blends technical expertise, combat operations, program management, policy development, and advisor to senior political leaders. He advised ICT Leadership when the institute was launched.
General Kern graduated from West Point in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He holds Master Degrees in Civil and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2006. He was a National Security Fellow at the J.F. Kennedy School, Harvard University and was a member of the Defense Science Board for 15 years.

Dr. James Blake
ICT’s inaugural Program Manager
Dr. James Thomas Blake, who served as ICT’s inaugural Program Manager, has had a remarkable 50 year career as a military officer, academic researcher, government official, and industry leader. He is a noted expert in modeling, simulation, and training, as well as government acquisition.

Catherine Kominos
Former Pentagon Science Director
Break 10:00am – 10:15am
10:15am – 11:10am: Unveiling Tomorrow: Charting the Next Frontiers of Technology
Panel Discussion including ICT Alumni

William Swartout
William Swartout is chief science officer at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies, providing overall direction to the institute’s research programs. He is also co-Director of the Center for Generative AI and Society and a research professor in the Computer Science Department at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
Swartout has been involved in cutting edge research and development of artificial intelligence systems throughout his career. In 2009, Swartout received the Robert Engelmore Award from the AAAI for seminal contributions to knowledge-based systems and explanation, groundbreaking research on virtual human technologies and their applications, and outstanding service to the artificial intelligence community. Swartout is a Fellow of the AAAI, has served on their Board of Councilors and is past chair of the SIGART of the ACM.

Louis-Philippe Morency
Tenure-track Faculty
Louis-Philippe-Morency (LP) is tenure-track Faculty at CMU Language Technology Institute, where he leads the Multimodal Communication and Machine Learning Laboratory (MultiComp Lab).
LP’s research focuses on building the computational foundations to enable computers with the abilities to analyze, recognize and predict subtle human communicative behaviors during social interactions. His multi-disciplinary research topic overlaps the fields of multimodal interaction, social psychology, computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and has many applications in areas as diverse as medicine, robotics and education.

Stacy Marsella
Professor at Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University
Stacy Marsella’s multidisciplinary research at Northeastern University is grounded in the computational modeling of human cognition, emotion, and social behavior, as well as the evaluation of those models. Beyond its relevance to understanding human behavior, the work has seen numerous applications, including health interventions, social skills training, and planning operations. His applied work includes frameworks for large-scale social simulations of towns and a range of techniques and tools for creating virtual humans, facsimiles of people that can engage in face-to-face interactions.

Paul Debevec
Director of Research
Paul Debevec is the Director of Research, Creative Algorithms and Technology at Netflix and Adjunct Research Professor of Computer Science in the Viterbi School of Engineering at the University of Southern California, working within the Vision and Graphics Laboratory at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies.

H. Chad Lane
Associate Professor at the University of Illinois
H. Chad Lane’s lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign develops educational technologies that captivates learners, young and old, and helps cultivate attitudes towards learning and growth that are compatible with the demands of the modern world. In pursuit of these goals, Chad conducts research on the design, use, and impacts of intelligent technologies for learning and behavior change. This work involves blending techniques from the entertainment industry (that foster engagement) with those from artificial intelligence and intelligent tutoring systems (that promote learning), as well as running studies to better understand whether and how the resulting learning experiences impact learners.

Mark Bolas
Research Scientist, Artist, and Designer
Mark Bolas is a research scientist, artist, and designer exploring perception, agency, and intelligence. His work focuses on creating virtual environments and transducers that fully engage one’s perception and cognition, and create a visceral memory of the experience. Amongst his courses at the undergraduate and graduate level are the design for interactive media and the business of interactive media.
11:10am – noon: Future Threats and Challenges

Dava Casoni
Chief Legal Advisor, ICT
Dava Casoni is the Executive Producer for the Force Writers Room and the Chief Legal Advisor for the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies (“ICT”). After attending Boston University on a U.S. Army R.O.T.C scholarship, she was commissioned as a 2LT in the U.S. Army Reserves Transportation Corps. With expertise in intellectual property, technology, finance, foreign national threats, export controls and related regulatory regimes, she has been a State Department appointee to the Defense Trade Advisory Group since 2011. Creatively, Dava is a Screen Actors Guild/American Federation of Television and Radio Artists voice-over artist. She holds a B.A. in political science and a B.S. in management from Boston University as well as both a J.D. and LLM from Cornell Law School.

CAPT Ric Arthur
Naval reservist and Writer
Ric Arthur leads a double-life as a writer and senior naval officer. Ric has written for several TV shows including The Last Ship, NCIS, Hawaii Five-O. He’s also produced a variety of indie projects including Laura Smiles with RKO Pictures. Still active in the Navy Reserve, Ric is the National Security Fellow for the Truman National Security Project. Ric has completed multiple tours to East Asia, served as UN Peacekeeper in the Western Sahara and aboard the USNS MERCY in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Ric is originally from Pasadena, California is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and has a Masters in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School.

Mr. Douglas Tamilio
ICT Executive Agent
Mr. Douglas Tamilio is the ICT Executive Agent and the Director of the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center (DEVCOM Soldier Center ). In this role, he is responsible for leading the planning, programming, coordination, and execution of the research, development, and engineering program dedicated to supporting and protecting the nation’s combat forces. This program focuses on providing functionally suitable food, clothing, airborne and airdrop equipment, tactical shelters, and organizational personal equipment to enhance soldier sustainment and readiness in combat situations.
Under Mr. Tamilio’s leadership, the US Army DEVCOM Soldier Center delivers world-class research, development, systems engineering, and services with a unique “Soldier”-centric focus. The center’s work is critical to ensuring the readiness and well-being of our nation’s combat forces, and Mr. Tamilio’s expertise and experience are essential to the center’s success.

Lance "Pink" Floyd
Director Air Dominance and Strike Anduril Industries
Lance “Pink” Floyd, CDR, USN (ret), is the Director for Air Dominance & Strike at Anduril, specializing in naval kill chains, weapons, and systems. He previously served as Chief Engineer at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, and trained the first F-35 integrated fires AIRWING. Pink is a retired Test Pilot and Strike Fighter pilot with over 3,500 hours in F/A-18s and flight experience in 26 different aircraft types. He flew combat missions with VFA-137 and VFA-192 in Japan and served as a test pilot at VX-23, VX-31, and VX-9. He holds a Master’s in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a Bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Pink was commissioned in 1988 after graduating from Aviation Officer Candidate School.

Stephen Ryan
Director & Chief Engineer for Multi-Domain Solutions in Northrop Grumman's Strategic Space Systems Division
Mr. Stephen Ryan is the Director & Chief Engineer for Multi-Domain Solutions at Northrop Grumman, specializing in air-space integration and next-generation space systems. He co-authored the textbook “Activity-Based Intelligence” and is a leading expert in ABI at Northrop Grumman. Previously, he was an intelligence analyst at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), focusing on terrorism in Afghanistan. Mr. Ryan has received multiple awards, including the Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award and the NATO Medal. He holds advanced degrees in Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins and Security Studies from Georgetown, along with a B.A. in International Affairs from George Washington University.

Sale Lilly
Senior Policy Analyst
Sale Lilly is a Senior Policy Analyst at the RAND Corporation, focusing on Chinese military and economic analysis, and wargame design. Lilly previously served as an officer in the U.S. Navy and as management consultant in the financial service industry. Lilly holds degrees from the United States Naval Academy (B.A. Economics), and dual degrees from Oxford University (M.Sc. in Modern Chinese Studies, M.Phil. in Economic and Social History).
Noon – 1:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm – 2:00pm: Grit and Resiliency: Thriving Under Stress

General (ret) Robert Brown
President, AUSA
General (ret) Robert Brown is an experienced commander who has led at every level, from platoon through Army Service Component Command. Serving as Commanding General of U.S. Army Pacific, General Brown led the Army’s largest service component command responsible for 106,000 Soldiers across the Indo-Pacific Region before his September 2019 retirement.

Pete Carroll
Former Head Coach
One of only three coaches to win a Super Bowl and a college football national championship, Pete Carroll spent 14 years as head coach and executive vice president of the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks. His brand of inclusive leadership, combined with his ability to create an “atmosphere of understanding” within teams, has made him one of the most recognizable and respected figures in modern sports and beyond. He empowers his players to be the best version of themselves, with the freedom to make mistakes, speak their minds, and be truly seen and heard for who they are.