By Sharon Mozgai, Director, Virtual Human Therapeutics Lab, ICT Sharon Mozgai, Director, Virtual Human Therapeutics Lab, joined ICT in 2015 as a...
Human-Centered AI Lab Brings AI Showcase to Bell Gardens High School
Thanks to Boxi Fu and Betül Dinçer for representing ICT's Human-Centered AI Lab at the "Ask a Scientist" outreach event at Bell Gardens High...
Brigadier General Brandon Anderson, Commanding General, National Training Center and Fort Irwin Visits ICT
ICT was honored to welcome Brigadier General Brandon Anderson, Commanding General, National Training Center (NTC) and Fort Irwin to ICT today....
Dr. Paul Graham on AI Panel at Congressional M&S Leadership Summit
ICT's Dr. Paul Graham, Director of Applied Innovations (on the right here) spoke on the State of AI in the MS&T Industry panel at the...
ICT Celebrates Cheryl Birch On Her Retirement After 25 Years of Service
ICT wishes Cheryl Birch a wonderful retirement and fulfilling next chapter!Cheryl Birch joined ICT in 2000, serving as CFO/Director of Finance,...
25 Years of Wargaming at ICT
By Dr. Randall W. Hill, Jr, Vice Dean, Viterbi School of Engineering, Omar B. Milligan Professor in Computer Science (Games and Interactive Media),...
How ICT Research Builds Better Military Leaders
By Dr. Randall W. Hill, Jr, Executive Director of the USC Institute for Creative Technologies, Vice Dean of the Viterbi School of Engineering, and...
CBC Hosts USC Distinguished Leaders Innovation and Future Hacking Event at ICT
Dr. Leslie Saxon, Founder and Executive Director of the USC Center for Body Computing, hosted an Innovation and Future Hacking Event for the...
Metalenses – a New Direction in Computer Graphics
By Pratusha B. Prasad, Research Programmer, Vision and Graphics Lab; PhD student, Computer Vision and GraphicsPratusha B Prasad is a Research...